My World Tour -   Herculaneum, Italy

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Herculaneum – Buried from the volcanic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD, like it's counterpart, Pompeii, Herculaneum was also buried by the volcano.  Because of the mud and lava, instead of burning pumice stone as in Pompeii, the residents escaped Herculaneum.  The frescoes are brilliant and there are still plenty of mosaics and furniture.  This great piece of history is often missed by the tourists, which makes visiting it that much better with the access to walk through the buildings.


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The frescoes were just stunningly bright and colorful.


Many of the mosaics and statures were perfectly intact.  Notice the likeness to an emperor to our hero Bruce? IMG_0501.JPG (30725 bytes)  IMG_0504.JPG (50018 bytes)  IMG_0505.JPG (30237 bytes)  IMG_0507.JPG (25818 bytes)  IMG_0511.JPG (28761 bytes)  IMG_0500.JPG (49772 bytes)


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The real life of the Romans, cooking and going to the toilet.  Luckily we have our models around to demonstrate.


Life imitates art, as Julia gives us her impression of an ostrich.  Funny thing is she later dreamed of becoming a purple ostrich while in Africa.

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Bruce and Julia, World Travelers and Adventure Seekers Extraordinaire.
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Revised: 05 Feb 2007 20:21:26 -0600 .