My World Tour:  Jodhpur, India - Tour to Bishnoi and other villages

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This is a perfect story of India.  You see Bruce laying down with these guys measuring the distance with a string from his navel to each of his nipples.  It seems that their is a discrepancy and the concurring opinion is that they need to pull on one of my legs to get my body into alignment.  They say this will cure my stomach problems.   But the things is, Bruce didn't have a stomach problem.  We were waiting for them to sell us something, but they never did.  They were just trying to help with a cure.

Everyone in the villages has a trade they are born into.  Each village specializes in their particular trade.  One weaves carpets, one makes pottery, another makes block print patterns on fabric.

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Bruce and Julia, World Travelers and Adventure Seekers Extraordinaire.
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Revised: 05 Feb 2007 20:21:26 -0600 .